Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Brand New Kitchen

Well- since the stove top and the oven died in the same week - I went to Home Depot to order me one kitchen to go. In less than a month I have the new one ready to go. I am still in the process of deciding what stays and what goes (junk drawers are soooo full after so many years!!) but here are some before and after shots.

Okay so the drawers need to be put back in and the wall oven area now holds a wall oven and a microwave instead of a double wall oven. So I have some staining to do there over the bare wood they used to build up the area. I still have work to do. But I am loving it.


  1. Wow, I've never seen uncluttered counters before! Does the woodwork still look like that or did the drawers go back?

  2. The side drawers went back in but the drawers under the cooktop will not fit in. The cooktop is too deep.
    The charger to my fantastic tools by black and decker which is the three tools in one, screwdriver, sander, jigsaw- the charger has died. Dad and I are unable to find a new one any where. It was discontinued. When I do find a new set of tools I will remove the drawer fronts of the two under the cooktop drawers and attach those to the cupboards there. I will take a picture today. It is slightly more cluttered.
