What I was really struck by was the growth in Dad's painting abilities from when he started in the early 70's at the age of 55 or so. There was one painting of Marty that was quite simplistic and obviously one of his beginner paintings. The thing is, I don't remember Dad's early work. I always thought he was as good as the paintings you see posted here. I am so glad Mom saved all these paintings all these years and I am happy to have the few that I do.
Now Mom saved one in particular for me. The one of Dad with the Zenner Street kitchen in the background. Which I am very happy she did save it for me. It means a lot to me that she hadn't let that one go when she was giving the others away to Marty, Sandy and Mike. That she did that for me is a sweetness I will always treasure. But that is the one Marty said he really wanted so I am going to send it to him.
After I returned home and pulled out all my paintings I have from Dad I found I had one that he did of himself already. The one I already had is the top one in this posting.
If you compare the one with the Zenner Street background one with the other one of Dad that I have posted here you can see the huge leap in his skill level.
All self taught. And late in life. Proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks!!!
God Bless you Dad. Marty- heads up, there's one coming in the mail.
Love your dad's talent. Are you the only child that inherited his drawing gift?